SURYA PUTRA ART berkembang sejak tahun 2005 dalam keasliannya, dan lahir serta terinspirasi pemahat-pemahat Mulyoharjo yang handal hingga sekarang.
SURYA PUTRA ART membuat suatu kreasi seni yang mengoptimalkan dari bahan kayu akar jati, dan tanpa merusak atau membuang hutan alam. Bahan baku diperoleh dari kota : Pati, Blora, Purwadadi, Ngawi, dan Bojonegoro dengan melalui importir dari Malaysia, Korea Selatan, Singapore, China, Japan, Amerika, Spanyol, Taiwan, Thailand dan beberapa orang lain produk kami telah menyebar luas.
Kapastitas produksi kami tersedia untuk melayani pelanggan dengan quality tertentu, quantity, dan contuinity, sebagai pendukung tersedianya bahan baku serta pemahat terampil dan terletak di pusat kerajinan kayu Mulyoharjo Jepara.
Seiring dengan perkembangan usaha serta kebutuhan konsumen, SURYA PUTRA ART melayani berbagai pesanan produk-produk mebel dan kerajinan dengan menggunakan bahan kayu jati, trembesi, mahoni, sono dan lainnya.
ART Suryaputra evolved since 2005 in authenticity, and was born and inspired carvers mulyoharjo reliable until now.
ART Suryaputra make an artistic creation that optimize root of teak wood, and without destroying or disposing of natural forests. The raw material is obtained from the city: Pati, Blora, Purwadadi, Ngawi and Bojonegoro with through importers from Malaysia, South Korea, Singapore, China, Japan, America, Spain, Taiwan, Thailand and some others of our products has become widespread.
Our production capacities of available to serve customers with a certain quality, quantity, and contuinity, as supporters of the availability of raw materials and skilled craftsmen and is located in the center of the wooden craft mulyoharjo Jepara.
Along with the development of business and consumer needs Suryaputra ART serve different order products and crafts furniture using teak, tamarind, mahogany, and other sono.
ART Suryaputra evolved since 2005 in authenticity, and was born and inspired carvers mulyoharjo reliable until now.
ART Suryaputra make an artistic creation that optimize root of teak wood, and without destroying or disposing of natural forests. The raw material is obtained from the city: Pati, Blora, Purwadadi, Ngawi and Bojonegoro with through importers from Malaysia, South Korea, Singapore, China, Japan, America, Spain, Taiwan, Thailand and some others of our products has become widespread.
Our production capacities of available to serve customers with a certain quality, quantity, and contuinity, as supporters of the availability of raw materials and skilled craftsmen and is located in the center of the wooden craft mulyoharjo Jepara.
Along with the development of business and consumer needs Suryaputra ART serve different order products and crafts furniture using teak, tamarind, mahogany, and other sono.